Following our instructions, you should now have your garden in good soil. Space your vegetables so that they can grow in. It was hard work but it is worth it if you want to harvest your vegetables.
You will have to take good care of your plants now that they are established in the ground. You’ll need to be aware of a few things.
This is the obvious answer, right? If you really think about it, plants need three things to grow. They need good soil, sun, and water. We have already prepared the soil.
Mother nature will provide the sunshine, but it is up to us to water.
When it is still cool and sunny outside, morning is the best time for watering your garden. This allows more water to reach the plants without evaporating. Watering in the morning can prove difficult for some people. However, you can still water your garden in the afternoon. Wait until the sun goes down, but not too late at night to water your plants. This will reduce water loss due to evaporation. But, make sure your plants are dry before going to bed at night. Wet leaves can cause harmful fungi.
The next thing to do is weeding. Even though we did our best to eradicate existing weeds and prevent their growth, there will always be new weeds. While weeding can be a difficult job, it is essential. It’s important to get rid of unwanted plants quickly. Some people prefer to weed their garden every other week, while others like to do it once a month. You will find a rhythm that works best for you and then stick to it.
Last but not least, be aware of animals eating your plants or destroying them. Deer and rabbits can quickly decimate a garden, making it worthless. There are many strategies to deter wildlife, and you will likely use more than one. Here are some:
- Use raised beds to discourage smaller animals like rabbits from entering your garden.
- Plants can be covered with netting
- You can repel animals by planting things like lavender and garlic.
- For burrowing animals to be discouraged, build fencing around your garden.
- You can use animal deterrent sprays to protect your plants
These are the steps you can take to ensure your garden grows well and that you have a good harvest later in the season.